More than anything, I think my reaction to the text is fascination. It took a minute to process and try to gain some understanding of how the society described in this story worked, in addition to trying to imagine how it might parallel a situation in the real world, but it was undoubtedly interesting, and I'd go so far as to say it made me want to know more about this fictional universe and its workings. There is clearly a long history between the two species described in this book, with a dynamic that feels parasitic and oppressive towards the Terrans, so perhaps the general theme of oppression could be related to the oppression people experience in the real world. Aside from fascination, though, I also feel pretty disturbed. Most of the imagery described was bloody and unpleasant, and coming to terms with that in addition to the whole structure of the society described made it even more disturbing. For most of it I couldn't help but picture T'Gatoi as something akin t...